This page provides brief notes/hints for using the CHX beamline at NSLS-II.
- Beamline: x1411
- Floor coordinator: x5046
- Control room: x2555
- Start:
- cd ~
- ./ophyd
- Examples:
- wh_pos() : motor positions
- mov(diff_xh, 1.0) : move motor
- movr(diff_xh, -1.0) : relative motion
- movr([diff_xh, diff_yh], [-1.0,-1.0]) : multiple motions
Control System Studio (CSS)
- Start:
- run-css &
- Use:
- Ctrl+mousewheel : zoom
- ./replay
- Allows access to log entries and graphs.
Sample Motion
- Sample motion uses diffractometer. Sample stage is on "horizontal controls" (diff_xh, diff_yh).
- diff_xh : moves sample inboard/outboard.
- Positive motion moves sample outboard (left, beam POV); i.e. beam moves right along sample.
- Negative motion moves sample inboard (right, beam POV); i.e. beam moves left along sample.
- diff_yh : moves sample up/down.
- Positive motion moves sample up; i.e. beam moves down along sample.
- Negative motion moves sample down; i.e. beam moves up along sample.
- diff_zh : moves sample along beam.
- diff_xh : moves sample inboard/outboard.
- Diffractometer also has stages on a "vertical" tower. Because these stages are sitting on a rotation axis (delta-like rotation), their translations (relative to sample) depend on delta.
- diff_xv : moves sample inboard/outboard.
- Positive motion moves stage outboard (left, beam POV); i.e. beam moves right along object.
- Negative motion moves sample inboard (right, beam POV); i.e. beam moves left along object.
- diff_yv : moves sample up/down. Assuming rotation stage is 180°:
- Positive motion moves sample down; i.e. beam moves up along sample.
- Negative motion moves sample up; i.e. beam moves down along sample.
- diff_zv : moves sample along beam.
- diff_xv : moves sample inboard/outboard.
WAXS Detector Motion
- delta : goniometer arm arcing up
- gamma : goniometer in-plane rotation
WAXS Detector
- Eiger1M
- To start:
- Array callbacks: Enable
- To debug:
- http_proxy= google-chrome
- camonitor
- XF:11IDB-BI{Cam:08}Stats1:Total:RBV